Jakarta - The Ministry of Village, Development Of Disadvantage Region and Transmigration (Kemendesa PDTT) optimistic independent village will be realized with the four priority agenda of Ministry of Village, Development Of Disadvantage Region and Transmigration (Kemendesa PDTT).

"There are four agenda priorities of the ministry, if the four agenda we perform. So, we believe that a wish for self-reliant villages not sekidar illusion but it will become a reality," said Secretary General of the Ministry of Village, Development Of Disadvantage Region and Transmigration (Kemendesa PDTT) Anwar Sanusi in community training event at the Center for training Development community (BBPLM) Kemendes PDTT Ciracas, Jakarta on Tuesday (10/1).

The fourth agenda, first by directing the village fund to build an edge of each village in Indonesia, amounting to as much as 74 954.

"We must push for a village can have the advantage that differentiates it from other villages, because by having these advantages, Sure it will have a value higher bargaining. Using one vilage one product or one village one product is the flagship program of village rural areas or flagship program, this is the first priority should be our guard, "he said.

The second program, said Anwar, by encouraging the establishment and development of village-owned enterprises (BUMDes) which should become an important pillar for the economy of the people at the village level.

"We push the program of village-owned enterprises (BUMDes)  for businesses level the rural economy should really be organized, institutionalized in a strong institution and the institution must be owned by the village. If this is fully developed, it will be able to increase revenue villages and could be capital formation of an independent village, "he said.

Furthermore, Anwar said, to the agenda of the second is to promote the development of ponds village or a reservoir is small on the location of the farm that aims to capture the excess rainwater rainy season and its use in the dry season for various purposes in both agriculture and public interests ,

"From the statistics, 80 percent of villages in Indonesia is agriculture. Problems that exist in agriculture it is the problem of water availability that are sometimes not met. Therefore, we encourage the name of the village fund that can be made of the reservoir that can be put to good use, especially on the dry season, "he said.

While the agenda of the fourth, Anwar said that Ministry of Village, Development Of Disadvantage Region and Transmigration (Kemendesa PDTT) encourage each village has sports facilities that the youth in rural areas can be of expression and actualization.

"The lads are no villages are often out of the village because there is no place for the expression and actualization. If no action. So predictable in the year 2045 the population of the village is only 35 percent. This is a miserable condition. Therefore, we create sports facilities or heaven in villages, "he concluded.