PADANG – Secretary General of the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Secretary General of Kemendes PDTT) Anwar Sanusi introduced Superior Products in Rural Areas (Prukades) at the Padang State University (UNP) campus, when opening a student entrepreneurship training event, Friday (23/3 ).

Furthermore, the Secretary General also conveyed the various efforts of the Kemendes PDTT in building systems and creating business models, especially in connecting entrepreneurs with regional heads. This is to ensure the availability of post-harvest markets that are not owned by the regions.

"The most important thing in this program is the mutual involvement of the entrepreneurs, the government, and the community itself," he said.

On that occasion, the Secretary General invited Nagari-Owned Enterprises (BUMNag) who are still unsure in determining their business units and mapping out their potential, they can consult with community service institutions at universities that are members of Higher Education for Villages (Pertides).

"In West Sumatra, the MoU of the Ministry of Villages PDTT with universities in West Sumatra has been carried out directly by the Minister at UNP and I and Andalas University," said the Secretary General. So there is no reason that BUMNag cannot develop in the Minang realm.

“BUMNag in West Sumatra must be number one, I believe that entrepreneurial talent is already in the blood of the Minang people. However, BUMNag must prioritize social benefits so that it is not only profit, because that is what distinguishes BUMDes/BUMNag from other businesses," he said confidently.

For this progress, the Secretary General also asked the Coordinator of Regional Assistance and Economic TA as well as Village Facilitator to be proactive in following up and discussing more often with research and community service institutions in universities.

Furthermore, Anwar Sanusi, who is also studying for his doctorate in Japan, emphasized the need for strong commitment and discipline for the success of this Prukades program. "Assistance is also essential so that we can ensure that the MoU between the regent and the company and involve the community can be carried out properly," he said.

In addition to the Secretary General of the Ministry of Villages, PDTT Anwar Sanusi who was a resource person at the event, Prof. Syahrial from UNP, Chairperson of the Indonesian BUMDes Forum Febby Dt Bangso, and Director of Padang Polytechnic.

On the same occasion the Secretary General of the Kemendes PDTT also explained about the Village Academy 4.0 which will be launched at the Kemendes PDTT Training Center in Yogyakarta on the celebration of National Education Day on 2 May 2018. Anwar Sanusi also expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the students for their participation in the village fund writing competition. The latest data for articles submitted to the committee reached 3,867 article titles. Winners will be announced at the National Education Day Celebration.